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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Paying the proper pricele
Paying the proper price goes a long way toward making your hotel stay a good experience.  Like air plane seats, there are several prices for the same hotel room.

Associations such as AAA and AARP, as we have mentioned in the past, can afford some savings, but there are many other ways to save.

One that most people are unaware of is Advanced Purchase.  Many of the top chains allow individual properties to post advanced purchase rates for rooms. Generally, these rates are not chain wide so you really have to look at all the offerings to find them. The caveat here is to remember that the key word is purchase. If you are not 100% firm in your plans, these prepaid plans are NOT for you since you pay in full when you book these non-refundable rates.

The next best rates are commonly called Internet Rates.  Usually these can be cancelled but pay attention to the cancel by date which may be one or two days prior to arrival as opposed to the cancel by 6 PM day of arrival you see with most rates.

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