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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Using miles to get that business class seat to
Okay, you have been saving miles for years for that business class seat.

You visit your carrier’s site only to find the standard award is not available… or is it? The Wiz will offer some tips to get that seat.

Your mileage account says 180,000 miles; just enough for two business class tickets to Europe on your airline. You go on line and search Los Angeles to Paris departing Friday, April 4th, returning April 11th. Nothing is available in the standard category, only the “double miles” award. Is the trip off? Not necessarily.

While there are no guarantees you will get those seats, first thing to do is modify your search.

Most airline sites now allow searching three days either side of your request dates so click on this option. If still nothing, look at weeks either side of your originally requested dates.

If again nada, be gutsy and continue to try for an additional two to three weeks. The airline wants to sell those seats first and then release them if they can not sell them. Your patience may pay off.

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