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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
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Travel in the shoulder or off season. Hawaii in winter will run you two to three times more money than September or April will.

Know the cheap travel days to your destination. As a general rule, midweek departures and returns are safest but Las Vegas and Florida are exceptions to this rule. A five day vacation in Las Vegas should begin Monday morning and end Friday evening. Good news on this one is that virtually every carrier has late evening, red eye departures.

Look at similar or emerging destination. While Cancun is great, it is cheaper to visit Los Cabos. The Alps are terrific but the Andes are a better value.

Always think package deal with air and hotel first, but be sure to check pricing separately checking in both cases for “stay 4 nights, get the 5th free” offers.

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