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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Negotiate your car rental
If you see a sign on the counter that says, "Cars Available", it means let's negotiate.

Even if you have a reservation, see what they can do for you. Upgrades are always nice on long trips and if you are in sun country, ask about a convertible to work on your tan.

While flexibility is not normal with rental cars companies, being a member of their frequent renter program can earn you more than airline miles or hotel points. It says to the clerk that you are renting from your agency of choice and that can go a long way.

These programs are not hard to join and if you ask, they will almost always waive the $50 membership fees. Additionally, you will save time online as your membership will save all your information and fill in the blanks.

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